My mom's Suzie Lake painting

My mother painted a picture of Suzie’s Lake:


Pretty impressive. She has definitely caught the spirit of the place.


Looks lie she’s got a shot at a prize.

The comment remembering the place when the industrial park didn’t exist and Dunbrack St was a logging road is what caught my attention, just shows how much has been developed already. for what gain? Costco and Future Shop?

I feel the same way about the Burnside park expansions and Dartmouth Crossing, I remember when it was just woods. We lost a good chunk of MTB trails to the development of Phases 11 and 12, what is now to become ‘Mount IKEA’. There is a Phase 13 in the grand plan, that could extend all the way down to the shores of lake William.


I remember biking that logging road and various trails from the golf driving range on down to kearney lake. And that was only 20 years ago.

When it was just a paved road and a costco they used to hold crits out there.


When I moved to Halifax in '95 the only trails I knew about were those driving range trails at the top of Main Ave…spent a lot of time in there. And then I picked up @tossedsalad’s guide to mountain bike trails around Halifax (which I still have a copy of) and it was a whole new world. Thanks for that Randy!