Log bench installation at Nine Mile River Trail this Saturday

Work Day this Saturday. Since Saturday is going to be a warm day - rather than move rocks for boardwalk replacement, and since we have a log bench ready to install, we thought we’d put in a log bench at Dipper Lake this weekend. We’ll move bench seat and posts from their current location near Comeau Lake to Dipper Lake, dig footings for the bench and assemble it. If we have extra hands, we can clear brush back from the side of the trail to make passage around the water holes easier. This one is a long way into the trail- about an hour walk or 30-minute bike ride.

We’ll meet at the parking lot on Saturday at 9:30. Janet and I will ride in but feel free to walk in, meet us out there, come late or leave early.

Thanks for your interest, support, and work!

Bench installed.

Quality control testing by Derek (@D_King ) :slight_smile: .