Haven’t ridden with Sacred Rides before, but the trip looks amazing. 3-4 spots still available for the April ride. Anyone interested in coming? (If not, definitely check out the Moab trip, which also looks pretty incredible.)
Thrown from the bike, head first dive into a ditch. I was prevented from running down the slope by an abrupt stop on a rock. Helmet looks fine, but I know better than that.
Yea I saw that sort video you posted of that. Seems like it could of been helmet first collision from the gopros perspective. Time for a new one for sure.
Oh, that wasn’t the one that made me need a new helmet. Sadly I don’t have footage of that one, as I had left the camera behind that day. Crash aside, it was an epic day of riding!
Lucky knucklehead?! Lol. I’m thinking of selling this bell that I haven’t really used. A little bit bigger than the size of my coco head. Size medium-large I think. Check it out.