I am not a speed demon. Sure, I like going a little fast at times, but speed is not be be all end all for me. I just enjoy riding. I had a slow speed OTB incident that resulted in a trip to the hospital and me revisiting my safety protocol.
On the plus side . . . I have cool lightening bolt scar over my right eye.
Yes, speed definitely would have been a friend here! Momentum would have carried you over that little bump.
In my case with the broken rib Saturday night, a little less speed perhaps. Fast healing to all!
Yeah we’ve all been there. I allow for two per year. Almost healed from the latest. Nice to hear your bike is fine and you like your scar. That is as as important as anything else.
Getting hurt sucks but if you ain’t crashin’ once in a while you ain’t doin’ it right.
It wasn’t as bad as it could be, glad you pulled out reasonably okay! I did a similar self-review after popping a front tire on a jump landing and getting tossed onto the granite on a solo ride.
For emergency contact and such, something like a Road ID can be useful. I have the online version which stores emergency contact info, allergies, blood types, and many other bits of data useful to medical personnel if you’re unable to speak for yourself. I think they also have a “crash awareness” app like you mentioned, that will notify someone if you’re stopped for a long time, though I suspect there could be many false alarms when out on a group ride!
I’m pretty healed up now and I was only laid up one weekend from riding. I have not gone back to the crash location yet . . . but I’m planning soon. Not avoiding it . . . just so many places to ride and so little time.
Add a seat dropper post to your list. For me it became a safety mode to my bike more than convenience or fancy gadget I don’t get bucked by my seat on a technical descends and it is a big plus.
Ha! I was thinking a dropper post might have saved me a couple weekends ago when I crashed and broke a rib at keppoch. However it was just poor technique… speed plus not prepared for a jump/lip I should have tried to manual, back wheel kicked me forward landed front wheel first and (probably) grabbed some front brake for good measure. I’ve found my stupidity/lack of skillz usually trumps whatever technology I have.
Now what to tell the wife: " honey just think if I had a bike with more suspension, dropper post and a lighter front wheel this whole thing probably wouldn’t have happened…"