Nine Mile River Work Day - Saturday June 19

With Nova Scotia at Phase 2 reopening, we’re now advertising work days and evenings at Nine Mile River again.

We’re planning a work day for Saturday June 19, 9:30am.

Plans in the works. Work projects for Saturday to be decided.


Work day on tomorrow at 9:30am.

Weather looks good.

Have lots of projects on the list -

Capping pipes and rocks with crusher dust, installing a drainage pipe, cutting brush back from the trail to improve sight lines, and digging drainage.

If you can make it, that would be great! We have some tools, but extra wheelbarrows, digging tools, and branch cutting tools like loppers would be helpful.

We’ll probably schedule a work evening next week, and next weekend we’re planning to do some chainsaw and wood work to build log benches and trail features.

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