This was the first organized fatbike event on the rock . . . beside GFBD. 65+ riders, race segments, vendors, demos, prizes and “refreshments” afterwards. There was even a guy from YHZ participating. Great fun !!!
Uploading…Wow, looks awesome!
wow, you guys are pretty organized there.
Two of my friends were there; one posted this video:
I have watched some of his other vids. I actually subscribed to Adam’s channel.
If your other friend is from YHZ I was chatting with him for a bit while waiting for a backlog on the trail to clear.
No, they’re both living in St. John’s, for now. I’m trying to get them to move. Right, @westicle?
Not sure who would have been there from YHZ, but hope they’re coming out for some of the group rides.
Looks like a lot of fun! I’m really hoping I can get a ride in there in ~3 weeks if time and weather permits.
Haha, maybe someday soon, @IanM_MTB . Pippy’s just too good on the fatbike, right now lol
It was a blast! Such a great time. Nice to see such a turn out, too.
@IanM_MTB brother when are we going to your Hometown NL?! wanted to go to Gros morne fatbiking if its possible ! ngah
Gros Morne is AMAZING! Not sure about biking there, but there are hikes galore with spectacular scenery!
need to go there ASAP!