Triple Mountain Crown Adventure Ride

Highland Bike Shop is hosting a 56km ride (with 1000m of climbing) through the hills near Antigonish.


Also this is a free event and you don’t need to pre-register. Registration is on site.

Oh man!!! Super bummed I’m still in the recovery train! I would love to do something like this. Really hoping they do another one next year. Arm is healing good. Wrist not so much >.<

Hey Chris

From what I understand, they (Matthieu and Highland Bike Shop) have been doing this ride, or some variation, for a few years now and this is the first time they have opened it up to the public. I think the plan is to ‘test’ the event publicly this year and expand to a more ‘complete’ event in subsequent years with pre-registration, possibly a fee, but bigger, longer and more organization.

I’m going with my hardtail. Dad lives a half hour away, so accommodations are taken care of.

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Oh sweet! That’s good to hear! I’ll be keeping an eye out next year for this then.