2 new projects!

Heat gun eh?

Took the cruiser for a rip today around 1st lake/2nd lake. Was pretty darn good. The gear ratio would take some time to get used to in terms of technical sections/uphill. Coaster Brakes definitely change the way one rides!

Tons of fun!

Scored a couple of projects that will keep me busy for an hour or two…

1987 Fisher Mountain Bikes Hoo Koo E Koo. All original except for the front tire. Awesome shape. Just needs some new cables and is good to go.

The second one is a Schwinn 40th Anniversary Cruiser. Decent aluminum frame so I’m building it up as a Klunker. Going to paint it a flat gray or something similar and keep the coaster brake SS setup…for now.

The pics are a little skewed. Looks like a huge tire on the cruiser… it isn’t

It should be a huge tire! If it weren’t for the decals, that paint job that’s on it now would look pretty sweet! I’ll try to remember to get those Alivio cranks for the Fisher for ya. Pretty sure your Biopace should bolt on to them.

Some inspirational video, perhaps???


Nice vid. They used some of that footage in Klunkerz.

I’ll be upgrading certain things in the future. I’m definitely switching out the bottom Bracket/crank for a conversion kit and sealed carteridge unit.

It should be a huge tire! If it weren’t for the decals, that paint job that’s on it now would look pretty sweet! I’ll try to remember to get those Alivio cranks for the Fisher for ya. Pretty sure your Biopace should bolt on to them.
might try the infamous wd 40 to take that top decal off.

I have a heat gun that might work well for that decal.