A Fall Ride at Whopper

Hey Folks, It’s been two weeks since I’ve been on a bike and was long overdue for a ride. Rockhopper and I met up with Derek and Charles at Whopper and had a great ride yesterday. My nemesis, the left hand turn, caused me to ride into some bushes, several times, and garner a healthy gash in my right thigh, but that didn’t compare to my bike coming to an abrupt stop (a rocK) and thrusting me into the headset/stem. Boy did I feel that. RH was amazing yesterday. Just before you get to “the” Whopper Dropper, you go down this tricky hill in the woods and then ride up these two big rocks. Well RH always executes it going into WD, but coming back, it is a trickier climb. He tells me that usually he depends on momentum to get him up that spot but this time he didn’t have it and tried pedalling up it and that worked. Yeah RH!! So although I am sore and bruised today, it was a great ride!