AVMBA Corn Maze Ride - Nov 4, 2023

Corn Maze Ride 2023
Saturday, November 4th, 6:30pm

Corn Maze

THE ride of the year. This is an amazingly fun ride suitable for riders of all levels. It is a one and done ride. DO NOT RIDE THE CORN MAZE PRIOR TO THE DATE.

We meet up in Wolfville and we ride to Noggins Corn Maze. After we fly around the maze for a couple of hours we retire to the Library Pub for a post ride brew.

We meet in Wolfville in the parking lot on Front St. (here)

From the parking lot we will ride out in groups towards Noggins Corn Maze.

After the ride we get to enjoy a brew at Library Pub.

We will be accepting donations that will be split between AVMBA (Annapolis Valley Mountain Bike association) and Noggins Farm. Let’s show them the love for letting us ride in the maze.

Charge your lights, dress appropriately and come out and have a blast!

If you need a ride post up and we can try to sort out some carpooling.

Notes: requires lights , dress warmlt


Charge your lights and dig out your winter riding gear! Tomorrow evening 6:30 meet at the parking lot on Front St in Wolfville for the Corn Maze ride. We will head out in groups starting at 6:30 using the rails to trails for the corn maze.

There is a suggested donation of $10.00 that will divided into donations for the AVMBA, and Noggins.


For the donation, cash at the entrance? e-transfer? did I miss it somewhere?

I will collect donations prior to leaving the parking lot in wolfville. I will make myself known, no worries!

Cash preferred.

Wow, great ride! We had somewhere between 80 and 100 folks out last night.

Thank you all who donated. If you would still like to, my email is konarider@hotmail.com or my number is 902-220-0848. Please post any pics.