Bayers Lake Active transportation public engagement

Round two of public engagement of the Bayers Lake Active Transportation plan.
People are encouraged to participate in the survey, there’s also some information webinars


Worthwhile taking the time to do the survey, took me a couple minutes, it seems they are mainly trying to decide between having bike lanes and sidewalks or multi-use paths in most places where cyclists would be sharing with pedestrians. I personally would prefer a bike lane over a multi-use path. Was a little concerned about them asking about making the crossing of the COLT into cross walks as I currently yield to traffic and ride through these crossings and would not want to need to treat them as a cross walk and dismount at each one to cross.


You dismount??

Not at these because right now they aren’t crosswalks, as I don’t ride on sidewalks in the city I also don’t use crosswalks so don’t need to dismount. Concerned that if they did make these crossings into cross walks that legally we would need to dismount.


Legally. Catch me if you can. Lol

I’ve actually looked into this before. You are allowed to ride through a crosswalk if you are allowed to ride on both sides of it, as would be the case if it is an active transport trail.


Interesting, good to know!