ECMTB Weekly Group Ride - Oct 26th

Been to Whopper lately? Neither have we.

Where: Whopper - meet at the BLT parking lot in Lakeside
Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Notes: Lights required. Proof of double vaccination required.

If you plan to attend, please indicate above that you are going and ensure your profile has the Member Name and Emergency Contact fields filled in.

It is every rider’s responsibility to know their own abilities, make smart decisions and ride safely. As a community ride we will ensure you are not left behind and as a group we know we are safer when we have others with us.

Please pay attention to the trail difficulty posted above.

If we get the forecasted rain, it will be a shit show in there. Haha

Unless something changes, looks like just a few sprinkles starting around 6. We’ll go until it’s no fun anymore. Worst case we just hit the pub sooner.


Construction/traffic back up on st margs road.
Will be late. Can meet at trail head on damonion