ECMTB Weekly Group Ride - Tues Jan 9th

Heading out to find some flow at 9 Mile River this week, and check out the new trail that just opened.
Should be mostly hero dirt and just a bit of ice. Studs optional.

Where: 9 Mile River Trails
Difficulty: Novice/Intermediate

Notes: Lights required. Snow and/or ice conditions may increase the difficulty level.

If you plan to attend, please indicate above that you are going and ensure your profile has the Member Name and Emergency Contact fields filled in.

It is every rider’s responsibility to know their own abilities, make smart decisions and ride safely. As a community ride we will ensure you are not left behind and as a group we know we are safer when we have others with us.

Please pay attention to the trail difficulty posted above.

Just rode there at noon. Best conditions I have ever ridden there. It’s rolling so fast! If on the fence, GO RIDE!


Awesome, thanks Kevin!

Heads up… apparently there is an accident on 102 and things are backed up quite a bit and for a while.

I think it is past airport…

Perhaps, there is a way to get there through fall river or Sackville \ beaverbank?

The Highway is closed outbound at the Enfield exit (exit 7), likely for several hours. You could take the #2 through Fall River, but you’ll get stuck in traffic at Enfield.

You could go through Beaverbank to Rawdon and double back as well. Not sure how much extra time that would add.

Just ride whenever you get there I guess. No point waiting for everyone if we’re all coming from different directions at different times.

You can also take the Aerotech exit off highway 102 (just after the scale house) go on the Old Guyborough Rd, to the Oldham Road and it comes out by the Big Stop Irving. It would probably be faster than taking the Fall River exit.