Enough is Enough Cross Canada Ride

Parents Aged 60-­plus Cycle 8,000km Across Canada To Raise Funds For Mental Health Founders of The Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation cycle through more than 65 communities this summer to raise awareness and funds for mental health resources Vancouver, BC From May 12 to August 29, 2013, Ginny and Kerry Dennehy will cycle 8,000km across Canada to raise funds and awareness for mental health. Established to end the stigma associated with mental illness, and a lack of care for sufferers, the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ride aims to raise $2 million, as part of the $6.7 million needed to create a Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre in every province and territory in Canada.

A couple is cycling across Canada in support of Mental Health in this country.They will be arriving on Sat Aug 3 at around 12 noon in Borden. We are attempting to put a group of experienced road riders together to ride with them from Borden Carleton to Charlottetown, leaving BC at about 1pm.

This group will then rendeyvous with more cyclists { all welcome } at Sporting Intentions, late afternoon, before heading downtown to Confederation Park, for a rally/assembly, where the Dennehy’s will address the group, which will hopefully include dignitaries, and supporters.

More information in the Pedaltrout Event Calendar. http://www.pedaltrout.com/events/