Fat is where it's at

Holy crap. I am loving those big meats! It actually flies along half decently, and holds a line well. If you chose. Otherwise, you can just ramble around aimlessly in the forest, trail or no trail. What a riot machine. It’s fun with the boys, for sure, specially when it’s absolutely mint out there, but I would love to ride with some other fat riders. Saw what looked like tracks from a Surly Nate or something on the trail at Spider. Is that you? LOL. Hope to bump into more guys, (and girls), out there on the wide side.

I am surprised at how it still loves to pump and jump. It’s like landing a monster truck or something. So cool!!! For sure, it’s not a slouch at all.

Back in Feb I met up with two dudes riding fatbikes in Wrandees, they left me in their dust :stuck_out_tongue: , they could keep such a consistent speed whereas I would slip and spin out every so often, even with 2.4 tires at under 30psi. Those bikes looked like great fun.

I hope you are going to race this beast XC? BOSS!

Going to try make as many of them as I can, along with enduro, some longer epic stuff, etc.

I can see how these guys would drop you, Aaron. I could manage to stay ahead of Russell up in Spider a bit, and trust me, it wasn’t my fitness level! It’s true, they are SO much fun. We have two left at the shop, and we have a guy in Quebec, and a guy in Ontario, looking to buy them You can not find any for sale in Ontario, and they can not get any more right now. It’s exploding! And, having bought one, I can totally see why. Waaaay too much fun, even when not riding snow.