Faturday Soldier Mission

Saturday Faturday Ride!

Who’s down with some fatbike adventure this Saturday?

Heading out through Spider and connecting a combination of new singletrack and low traffic double track for a 25k loop out past Soldier Lake.
I can assure you that you have never seen big chunks of this route.

There’s a couple bailout points in the first 7k if you decide you’ve bitten off a bit much with an easy route back to the trailhead. The good news is you’ll have seen at least a couple new trails by that point.

If you do the full ride you’ll have several new trail options to add to your Spider bag o’ tricks and a solid ride in the books.

Where: Ride starts @ Spider Lake trailhead

Difficulty: medium to advanced. This is 25k so expect 2-2.5 hrs ride time.

Notes: bring fluid and calories

Ride Starts @ 9am sharp

This is not an official ECMTB ride.


Can’t make this Saturday, but sounds fun!

Sounds like fun! Should be able to make it.

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Can’t make it this am :confused:. Thanks for posting the ride though. Have a great ride!

Thanks to the hitters that came out- great work!
Fastest guy on the day was definitely the blonde dude w 4 legs.
Honourable mention to Dax for completing his first fatbike session- well done!


Looks sick man. Was hoping to make it, but had an early morning meetup with a Kijiji buyer that screwed up my schedule. Next time.

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Hopefully he showed up, that would’ve been a double whammy to miss a ride and then get stood up by a kijiji dude.
Next time!

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He did! Finally.