First BMX Race

I’ll know more later. Kinda doubt the night before, but depends. I may ride CBZ as well, so the more thime the better.

Well, if everything goes as planned, I’ll be racing in Dieppe this week. I can’t wait! Those who know me will understand my overboarded level of enthusiasm for the sport. I’ll probably blog it up when I get back, so keep those oculars peeled for the write-up of the day! Er, I mean CENTURY! Also, if anyone else is heading up and wants to convoy, let me know. It get’s lonely on those long stretches of NB highway…

Good luck! I hope you kick some solid BMX butt and bring home the gold - or at least a nifty t-shirt.

good luck!

good luck!

I may need it!

Next Wednesday is slated to be the first one. I hope I can make it this week, but if not, there’s another one soon.