Flying with bikes?

Hey Aaron, this is somewhat relevant but probably not timely enough for your trip: … 94860.html

Anyone ever take thier bike with them when travelling abroad? Wondering how big a pain it’s going to be. Are they pretty rough on the poor things in baggage?

I think you are more or less safe if you have those large plastic travel boxes. Some of the shops around town might even rent them.

Another larger audience to ask would be the Touring & Commuting forum on

Let us know how it turns out.

It might be cheaper to rent when you get there.

I know of someone who recently went to europe and their bikes were held until they could proove they were not bought in that country… they apparently shipped the bikes before flying over… they did not take them on thier plane

make sure you have proof of purchase here in canda or you might get a surprise duty charge

depending on how long you need a bike for renting might be your best bet like Jeff said.

I think flying in canada it can range form 100-200 round trip

depending on when you are gonig some airlines offer specials… there was a special fly your bike for free during the tour last year

Hmmm… I hope our almost 20 something and 30 something year old bikes will not be mistaken as NEW purchases. And I have no proof of purchase, as both were received for free in various states of disrepair.

The only real drawback to renting is not being fitted to the bike well enough for a one day 240 km tour…

Other than that, I’m thinking of renting now.

Being in Holland, biking capital of the world perhaps the selection will be just what you need?

Maybe. I’m going to talk to her uncle and find a good shop/rental place close to thier home and see what they rent. It’s also going to replace a rental car by renting a couple bikes. So, something with racks and fenders for the vacation, but something a little zoomier for the tour. Gotta see what happens.