HRM Councillors provide $9000 to Mountain Bike Halifax, in support of McIntosh Run singletrack trail network

HRM Councillors Adams, Cleary and Mancini provide $9000 to Mountain Bike Halifax in supporting trail development in the McIntosh Run singletrack trail network.

Big thank you to Councillors Stephen Adams, Shawn Cleary and Tony Mancini for providing $9000 in funding to Mountain Bike Halifax to support trail development in HRM. This generous contribution will be used to help fund the construction of boardwalks in the McIntosh Run singletrack trail network scheduled for 2018. There’s increased momentum for the development of singletrack trails in HRM and we are grateful for the councillors’ recognition of the value that these kinds of trails add to our community and their support in making them happen.

  • Mountain Bike Halifax

Here’s a related post Councilor Mancini made on instagram:


Also, of note, on the left is Marc Pike, director of operations for MBH. His business, (RPM productions) also donated $3000.


Super like!

I like those sweet mountain bikes they’re posing with.

Haha, yeah.

Apparently, the photo was rushed with Marc Pike not realizing Tony was planning a photo op. Should have taken place at MRWA trail head or something.

By the way, if you haven’t signed up for a MBH membership, please do.

We need the membership support to make these things happen.

Here’s the membership link…


That link returns garbage for me. Something wrong with the page?

Works for me.

Works here as well, Ian. What browser/OS/version/device are you using?

It’s like he was here all along…

Google Chrome on Windows 10. I’m at work, maybe there’s a firewall issue? Bah, that should result in 404 or 500/501 error.

Attached is a screenshot of what I was seeing. I hit refresh a few times and the fourth or fifth seemed to do something. Now a member. :sunglasses:


Thanks for signing up–I have no idea what that screen is on about.

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