HRM MTB Strategy

HRM MTB Strategy PDF file

The MTB Strategy is coming to Council on Tuesday January 29.

Show your support for this important step to getting more legal trails in HRM. Email you Councillor and include the clerk’s office in the email so that all of Council sees your comments.

Find your Councillor’s contact information here


From MBH -

Mountain Bike Halifax needs your support once again!

HRM staff have completed their report to council regarding the development of a mountain bike strategy for HRM. Their findings go to council this Tuesday, January 29th.

Please take a moment to email your councillor and express your support for the development of a mountain bike strategy and associated infrastructure for HRM. Be sure to include the clerk’s office ( in your correspondence so that all of council sees your comments.

The motion put forward can be found in the meeting agenda (14.1.2) here:…/january-29-2019-halifax-regional-c…

The report requested by council can be found here:…/…/regional-council/190129rc1412.pdf

Thank you for taking the time to send this important message to your councillor. We are making great strides with mountain bike development in HRM and appreciate your support in furthering the sport.

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Looks like you scouped us (MBH) on this, @bent6543. :wink:

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MBH and MRWA have been working with HRM on this for a bit. Mostly answering their questions. Some of which were pretty basic.

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Email sent… Not my game but I’m glad someone has the patience to do this. cough Shubie Park next cough


Sent, :slight_smile:

I heard rumor that the motion passed.

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From MBH:

We are very excited about today’s motion being passed by council to move forward with a Mountain Bike Strategy for HRM and are looking forward to seeing the sport grow in our community.

Thank you to all those who supported the passing of this motion by contacting your councillor and expressing the importance of mountain biking in HRM.


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