LF 26" front wheel

A single mom friend of ours (read: scraping by) got me to look at her bike so she could get back into riding… problem is, the front hub is shot… ball bearings falling out, shot.

If any one has an old disc ready wheel and skewer on the cheap, please let me know…

Thanx! :slight_smile:

I had one of these, but donate it to “bike again” (ecologyaction.ca/issue-area/bike-again), you may want to take a look at what they have hanging on the wall - they don’t get a lot of disc brake bikes in there so it might still be around (unlikely though, that was a couple months back).

Thanx… I’ll check it out.

Sent you an email Ken…

If your ever in the valley I’ve got a wheel you can take that should do the job.

Thanx ryan… PM sent