Looking for tandem bike

The wife and I are really enjoying the tandem we are using here in Iceland. We want to buy one when we get home. Anyone have anything for sale?

You should try one riding off road! I took one up into Spider Lake back in the day, quite the challenge and a total blast.

As far as buying one, they do come up on kijiji from time to time, depending on what you’re looking for as far as quality. If you’re really serious check the quebec kijiji site they are much more popular there. Parlez vous francais? http://qc.kijiji.ca/f-tandem-acheter-et-vendre-velos-W0QQCatIdZ644QQKeywordZtandemQQisProvinceSearchZtrueQQisSearchFormZtrue

When I was living in Pictou County. Craig Aucoin and I took his down Freerider trail on Fitz mountain.

A friend of mine has one he’s not using… I’ll put a call in to him and get back to you.
