Most Popular MTB Trails

This map of the most popular MTB trails came up in my feed from what I thought was a reputable online magazine, which I promptly unfollowed.

I can’t comment on the US trails, but there is soooo much wrong with Canada. Where shall I begin… the most popular trails in NS, NB and PEI are not at all accurate. And apparently nobody rides in Newfoundland or Saskatchewan. And the Territories do not even exist. Such a lazy article.


Nothing going on in BC either.

Not going there man, the biking sucks. /sark.


I usually dont say much on the forums, but this map is pathetic. Being from PEI, I never even heard of this Old Landfill trail. It does exist supposedly, but it doesnt exist on Trailforks. I am not about to go through every province, but for PEI it made it on the map cause 1 lonely person back in 2011 on their site gave it a “5” star review. Despite Brookvale getting 5 reviews (and slightly more current ones), it averaged at “4” stars and didnt make the map. Wentworth also got 5, and fight trail got 4 stars -> why Wentworth made it on. An untrained monkey could have done better trail research.


Bad article based only on info submitted to their trails section only and no other sources. @Andre I’m pretty sure the “Old Landfill trail” is just what a tourist named the Riverside Trails in East Royalty.


I always thought that Singletracks was a joke based on their top mtbing destinations here and there being just plain wrong.