I guess everything is getting bigger and plus sizes now. Yet im still stuck with my old school 26
What I want is a 27+ steel hardtail with geometry like 67 HTA, 74 STA 430mm reach. 142mm thru axle and a tapered steerer, 15mm thru axle rigid steel fork.
There some frames that are close like the Chromag Surface, It’s mostly the fork that is impossible to find right now.
this is the future if I could afford it, Singluar Swift 27+ rigid just needs a dropper post:
I’m also starting to like this idea:
650b x 47c or 27.5 x 1.85"
Make you feel like John Tomac in 1990!
So 26X3" tires are a thing.
elevated chainstays are a thing.
Bags attached to the frame are a thing.
Riding steep technical terrain on an “XC” bike is a thing.
4 out of 5 ding ding ding the 90’s (or so) called, they are coming back.
I must be old, because I’m missing those trends. If I wait long enough I’ll be trendy again someday.
Can I get some Control Stix, maybe some Porcipaws and a whole shit ton of purple ano?
thinking I should do a 650b conversion on my winter road bike. the brodie looks amazing, tho
Everything old is new again!
Bar ends?
I just stopped using bar ends last year and now I have to put them back on?
Also, pretty sure I did ‘bike packing’ AKA going camping with crap attached to your bike, about 25 years ago.
Nah bro, 27.5+ is the way to go! I only got it half right… I guess I should have researched “trends” before jumping back into cycling.
I’m sure this fat bike thing is just another fad, like derailleurs and snowboards and where was I going with this?
I still have purple ano skewers on my DeKerf hardtail.
Fat bike for life!! Fat bike for life!!
@bent6543 Do they actually still make stouts or are those old?
@Jetter they are old, found them in the back of my tire pile and had an ah ha moment. Finally had a frame i could run them in, Balfa to the rescue. One of these weighs as much as 2 modern day 2.6 tires but the sidewalls are so thick i can run them down to around 15psi in the snow.
Right on, scored a couple of the 24x2.6 version recently to try on my son’s bike for snow riding, looks like he’ll soon get a chance to try them!
2003 called, it wants its tires back.
Actually, it says you can keep 'em.