New Trail Feature

great work barb

my lazy butt hasn’t played with it enough yet but is there a easy way to get the gps data and upload it to my garmin… specifically whopper since I tend to get turned around in there on my way out?
just down load the .gbd files, open with mapsource, connect your gps, send the tracks/routes/waypoints to your gps… pretty easy.


Very impressive everyone. Just wanted to say thanks and thanks and thanks to everyone that put any time in on this. Alot of sites try to write there own solutions, but using Google earth, combined with the printable PDF’s is pure brilliance.

Great Job!

Its been a dream of mine to have something like this for a long time. Great job.

That’s my girl!

This will go a long way along with the new NSMTBTA to promote and protect riding in this province. Expect to start seeing things happen here in the year(s) to come!!!

great work barb

my lazy butt hasn’t played with it enough yet but is there a easy way to get the gps data and upload it to my garmin… specifically whopper since I tend to get turned around in there on my way out?

I haven’t been able to look at this yet as I cannot install programs on my work computer. Is it all of the trails listed entered into google earth in a single file? Will we be able to add to this file on here to share more trails? I believe you can exchange info from google earth into the garmin program but I have not played around with it yet. If you can load the info to garmin then you can upload it onto your gps.

Its probably best if people want to contribute, for them to send their GPS data to Barb. but I can easily be corrected! :slight_smile: ]

Having a professional cartographer maintain all of this will probably help keep the quality level as high as it is. Also, we’d run into concurrency issues. ie multiple versions of the file floating around.

Bignose is correct, this is Barb’s baby and I think in the interest of keeping formatting, proper versions and consistency intact it would be great if people would send updates and corrections to her.

In the meantime, however, you’ll notice that I’ve also added a ton of trail descriptions on the Trails page. There are PDFs and GPS files for some of these, but not all. If anybody notices incorrect info or would like to contribute data for a trail that doesn’t have it yet, feel free to send it to We also have several trails that need info and pictures, so help us out if you can add to the listings!

This is awesome. I stopped printing my trail map last year so this should work as a replacement.

Wicked job Barb! Can’t wait to see ya soon!

Thanks everyone! Keep the comments coming, that’s the only way the baby gets better & bigger. Matt(Smallguy) I will figure out how to get the GPS data onto your Garmin, I have one too.


Along with Sue and Troy, Barbara is now a favorite person of mine. I don’t know Barbara but she’s a fave person of mine…and so are Sue and Troy… and other Pedaltrout folks :slight_smile: