Cool. I can be there for the first 15 mins but I know it will start late.
Planning to go.
Never been to the Nine Miler River Community Centre. I think it’s here:,-63.5618131,18z
That’s it… the home of the country jamboree
HI Folks, I planned on going but now am unable to make it. Wade Stubbington returned my email this AM letting me know about this meeting. I thanked him and replied with a few questions I was hoping could be addressed. They are listed below.
Does the association have the resources to fix bridges and improve drainage in problem areas?
Like any trail system, maintenance is required. Can a maintenance plan be put in place to keep it in a condition all can enjoy it?
Is there a plan in place for the next stacked loop that is not cleared. A route seems to have been planned.
Is deer hunting allowed in there? There is a deer stand visible from the second loop.
Can some further info be shared.about the NMR trail association? Member list, report outs, etc. Is there a way volunteers or new members get involved?
I was in the trail Friday night. There are a few fallen trees over the trail that need to be cleared.
Planning on attending with another rider friend of mine, maybe two.
Let us know how it goes, please!
If you’re heading up from Halifax area and have room for one more, let me know. I’d like to attend, and would be nice to car pool for sale of environment.
Nice typo.
Hi IanMHFX- I’m not driving, I’m hitching a ride with my buddy but I will message him to see if he can accommodate another passenger.
I’m going up from Lower Sackville. I could give you a lift, Ian, but you’d have to get out to Sackville. I’m not too far from the bus terminal…
Sounds good, I can meet you in Lower Sackville, or I can pick you up. Just seems silly to go up with an empty car.
Just about to leave work in Kentville. I’ll message you with phone and address.
If you have an interest in Nine Mile River please join the Facebook page-
The group is looking for input on the trails and volunteers to work on trail.
Some notes from the meeting.
Work has been stalled lately because the committee no longer had a full executive and thus couldn’t apply for new funds nor access existing funds as they couldn’t operate under the registry of joint stocks as a non-profit. They were able to recruit a new Treasurer at the meeting, and can soon begin to operate again.
It was noted that other board members, including the executive, are interested in moving on to other things. If you have an interest, positions on the board will be opening up. Possibly Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Members at Large.
An email list has been created to help increase the communications flow. Myself, @Rockhopper, @Cheshiremark, and @gtrguy (that I know of) have signed up, so we can post updates here. Note that @gtrguy also posted the location of their Facebook page where you can get more updates.
Next steps
With a full executive, they’ll proceed to get the registry of joint stocks and be able to apply for grants and other funding, as well as to access existing funds.
A trail walk-through will be organized to identify problem spots and prioritize repairs on existing trails. Bridges and bridge design were discussed; the lengthwise boards were not in the original design, but it’s how it ended up being done.
The original contractor has not been in contact, and I suggested that they also reach out to other contractors like TrailFlow (cough @Pepperjester @MichelleLikesBikes cough), and to reach out to volunteers in the biking and hiking communities to stretch their funding.
Work parties will be organized through the Facebook page.
My own personal thoughts: someone with a lot of passion for these trails needs to step up to the board, and perhaps even the executive, to help infuse some energy and enthusiasm for the trails. The current folks have been doing this for a LONG time and they all have other interests and are interested in moving on to other things, and that lack of enthusiasm has likely caused a lull in the momentum of the trail building and maintenance. I think that with the help of the awesome crew of volunteers (like those at McIntosh Run and Gore) can really make a difference to these trails.
Great summary @IanM_MTB thank you! Just to add, there are additional trails in the original trail plan that have yet to be built. Obviously priority has to be repairing what’s there but new trail presents some great opportunity as well.
I think there are a lot of users of this trail system and a lot of love for it- it’s a special area. It really just needs some organization and avenues of communication which have been lacking.
Thanks for the intel guys. It’s such a great little trail system, for all levels of riders…it would be a shame to let it go to waste.
I’m sure we could organize a good size ECMTB work party and spread a little trail karma their way.
I told Wade that I’d be happy to lead a work party or two to address some muddy areas, as it’s something I have experience with from McIntosh Run. Just need tools and approval to do it.
Count me in too for any future work parties. I don’t live far away, and I see tons of pontential in this trail system.
Any talk of the next meeting? I couldn’t make it to the last one.
I’d be interested in joining the board. Who would I contact to join the email list?