Nine Mile River Trail - Current conditions?

Has anyone been out to the 9 Mile River Trail lately ? Is it fit to ride ? Conditions ?


I haven’t but usually it only gets good and dry in the summer from my experience. Otherwise, it’s muddy in sections.

right now it is probably ok in most sections, there is one section that is muddy almost all summer. I was in there last week and it was actually drying up alright. there are a couple big trees down, I would like to get in there to build a couple little bridges up and over them

Good to hear that Ryan, may have to check it out this weekend.

let me know if you do, I’m always up for a rip through there. That is, if my wife isn’t in the hospital giving birth, lol

True story.

Back in the day when I used to play golf (hahahahahahahaha what a waste of outdoors time) I picked my buddy up for our regular Sunday morning game at 7am. We were members at Truro but decided we were going to play River Oaks on this day. He is a pretty chatty guy normally but was very quiet on this particular morning. Eventually, as we walked to the clubhouse to pay our green fees, I asked him if everything was ok as he seemed a little unfocussed. He told me hew thinks his wife might be in the early part of Labour. Started contractions around 4am. To make a long story short, the club pro met us coming off number 9 (not everyone had cellphones in those days) and that his wife called to tell him to get to the hospital right away that she was in full blown labour. Gave birth to a healthy baby girl that night.

Wanna hit up Fight Trail this weekend?!