Pedaltrout/Sportwheels Weekly MTB Ride - Sept 9th

We’ve had some pretty awesome rides lately and we’re going to continue the trend this week with a ride at Whopper.

We’ll meet at the Burger King entrance for 7pm and rip around the granite for a bit.

We are losing light earlier and earlier each week. I think last week was about 8:10 we started using lights. If you have a light, charge it up!

If you don’t, head out to Sackville and see the boys at Sportwheels. They can hook you up. Make sure you mention you ride Tuesday nights with Pedaltrout for a discount!

Where: Whopper (Burger King Entrance)

When: 7:00 pm Tuesday September 9th

New to the forum and trying to recapture some youth. Is this open to anyone? I used to ride a lot but haven’t really done much in the 10 yrs since I moved to NS.
Thanks, and be honest, my ego can accept a no.

@OCKDV, it’s a pretty chill ride. All are welcome, so c’mon out!

Cool! Thanks.

Thanks for the fun ride everyone!

Nice one Russ. It was a good ride and nice to see some new faces.

That would be an awesome ecmtb header image. its spectac.

Thanks for letting me tag along!

Any time, good to meet you.