Point Pleasant Park to Open to weekend cycling


This should be an interesting experiment. No sarcasm there, honestly interested in how it works out.


I live in the south end. I kinda avoid biking there if I don’t have to. If I’m just looking for a casual ride the BLT/saltmarsh is better. That being said, it is pretty convenient to not have to drive somewhere to go for a bike ride. I’ll sometimes go for rides there on weekdays in the spring time when the snows still melting and everything is still soft on the mountain bike trails. I can quickly get there after work and bust out a few laps around the park and be home before it’s dark.

I find when I do ride there, there’s always dogs off their leash. Some dogs are fine around bikes, others will leave their owners and start running along with me, some try to jump up at me. There’s also high school or university track and field meets there. They tend to like to take up a lot of space on some of the main wider trails then stare you down like “WTF are you doing on a bike in here?” when you have to ride through them. Maybe I’m wrong and they don’t actually give a shit but that’s the vibe I always get from them.

The cable hill road climb is a solid workout though. Doing laps in there and sprinting up that hill as fast as you can will wipe you out.

I noticed the map for trails they’re allowing bikes on doesn’t make a full loop. So if you wanted to do laps you’d have to go on the street from the parking lot at the top down to the parking lot at the bottom to start again. I also can’t imagine you’d be able to move very fast in there on a sunny Saturday afternoon. You’d be dodging people/dogs the whole time.
