Road riding in the new hood

We just bought a bigger farm to be the new home of Tipsy Toad Grove just outside of Greenwood in the Valley in a place called Tremont.
We haven’t been able to explore for trails or places to build some yet, but the road riding around here is amazing!!

Guess this means my Greenhill KOM is safe for the moment! :slight_smile: But watch out down the valley, TURPLE be stealing some KOMs.

Haha, your KOM was always safe. The KOM’s down here are safe for the next little while. I have some fencing to do and a barn that needs some work.

Turple: try the 252 its on the nothern side of the highway. Oh!! Also, take yer mountain bikes and start in kingston. Go up Bishop mountain road, under the highway , over the moutnain and back down the other side to the shore on the bay of funday. Good climbing and an excellent campfire spot.