Not the best snow for packing, but anyone doing any snowshoeing tonight?
I might be able to go tomorrow night. Will likely be similar conditions but I need some fresh air!
Might be going for a stomp tonight. I know some of Whopper (flipside) has been stomped. Anyone know if Spider has been touched?
Yeah, three of us stomped Da Minion and Flipside out and back last night. (saw @Rolls’ tracks in there as well on our way out). If you’re going to shoe Whopper, may I suggest you hit the lake loop/susies so we can expand the trails that can be ridden?
There’s a plan in the works to stomp all of Bowater before the rain starts Saturday morning so that once it rains and then freezes next week it’ll be great with studs.
Bits of the Shubie singletacks have been done but not everything. Saturday looks like the day for packing trails no matte where you go before it turns to ice and hopefully the bad Sunday weather will prevent…
They are doing it right in New Brunswick… But since we don’t have this if you’re snowshoeing best practice it to stomp 3 snowshoes wide.