Spider Lake and Land Management

Quoting from the “LAKE MAJOR WATERSHED SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PLAN” (sorry about the caps. directly copied title from the document) linked by @bent6543 . It says below, “At this point no group has been identified”. I thought BNS Trails was working on this. Perhaps MTB Halifax?

Mountain Biking
Generally, mountain biking does not pose a problem if bikers keep to main access roads and
away from critical infrastructure; however, the tendency has been to create new trails and
challenges. Since a new subdivision was developed in the Spider Lake area there is renewed
interest in mountain biking leading to new trails, illegal tree cutting, unsafe ramps and water crossings being constructed throughout the area. Halifax Water posts signs and removes
structures as they are found, to no avail. Halifax Water has been striving to identify responsible
group(s) to propose developing guidelines with/for them which are similar to the Geocaching
Policy (see 4.3.3 Geocaching above). At this point, no group has been identified; however,
Halifax Water has made contact with some who may be interested in collaborating on solutions.

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