Few good responses so far.
As far as PEDs, I know nothing about them minus the countless negative effects I have witnessed over a few decades so I wont touch on that BS. That being said, TRT is legit and 100% is something alot more
common then most realize. There are also a few new things out now in the Peptide/Sarms world now that would be considered PEDs, but some have their places under strict medical administration. I have witnessed the positives of that world but never been in a situation to require its usage.
Nothing replaces quality diet and proper sleep. And the more I learn about myself, the latter is THE most important aspect of recovery.
With respect to sports supps, I have found their are a few ways to break things down and “organize” if you will.
Pre workout, Intra, Post, In season, training and bolt on.
Pre-I legit hate the way pre workout feels. Therefore, I don’t use it. Diet is everything. I really enjoy good coffee and for me, that does more then enough.
Intra - depends on how long the event is, but proper hydration with a good drink mix is key IMO, maybe some fast burning carbs in the mix. Highly recommend RynoPower Hydration. Anything over the 3 hour mark starts to require real solid food for me.
Post - Usually a trail side beverage. However for whatever reason I find any type of sparkling flavoured water quenches thirst like no other. Also, Coca Cola. Insane how quick that stuff brings you back to life and replenishes the soul.
Generally “In Season” is what I consider just day to day life, riding regularly, hiking, the odd gym workout etc. I usually only take a really high quality multi, sometimes all separately but I find the best value come in the packs. Animal Pak is a popular one, but $$$. There is one I recently started using from a local shop thats good but cant recall its name and its very well priced. I really focus on my diet, and take a few things to help with sleep, such as melatonin, CBD, magnesium and L-Theanine. I average about 30% Deep Sleep a night over 8 hours with this. This being said, I have issues with sleep due to a life of being put in some not so great sleep situations.
If I am training, lets say an 8-12 week program, averaging 10-12 hours a week. The only thing I really add in on top of my in season are good quality greens, protein and BCAAs.
“Bolt on” is a term i basically came up with to describe a few natural items I have found along the way to use for specific events or situations in my life. I have done personal research on all, and recommend you do the same to see if it works for you.
Pre/post biotic - great if you are coming off a dose of prescription antibiotics, have come in contact with a parasite, travelled to a foreign country or just want to tune up your gut health.
NAC - N- Aceytyl L Cysteine
I would recommend this to anyone.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is used by the body to build antioxidants.
I have played around with multiple ways of using this, but basically if I am doing something (typically) very early morning in humid temps where I find I have a bit of chest congestion, these help alot. Research shows however that long term usage of this stuff will make you build immunity fast. Its also relatively inexpensive.
Cordracyps - Recently had a really bad lung infection, lasted for about 4 weeks. Wouldn’t clear my lungs and one bottle of high quality cordracyps combined with NAC cleared me up in days.
PQQ-10 - Basically, Lung health. Same idea as NAC but from alot of research helps clean up free radical build up in certain muscle tissues.
supports mitochondrial function, which plays an important role in cardiovascular, neuronal and cognitive health. PQQ is an antioxidant that promotes the formation of mitochondria and has shown neuroprotectant and cardioprotectant properties in pre clinical studies.
Rohodelia Rosea - this is actually a key ingredient in alot of workout supps.
Its inexpensive, has its benefits but like most other natural supplements, the body builds immunity extremely quickly.
reduce stress, combat fatigue, increase mental performance and improve physical and mental fitness and resilience.
Glutathione - research shows it helps repair cells, specifically in the liver. Enough said.
Vitamin D3/K2 - Immune system and bone health. Using this combined with OST currently to speed up bone healing.
OST-GEM - Been recently using this to help speed up some bone growth from a surgery.
C Clear Nasal Spray - Started using this a while ago, tip came legendary Iron Cowboy. Great for post recovery to clear the sinuses and theres even research on this specific product that it helps keep covid at bay.
Like I said, this is a small bit of knowledge. Maybe its useful to you, maybe not.