STATE OF EMERGENCY - where to ride

And another in Point Pleasant Park.

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I’m doing my part by staying home and eating my homemade edibles.


That’s a whole other thread.

In response to the question from Jetter, McDonald Sports Park is now officially closed and the signs will be going up later today.


I’m not surprised it is closed, do you have a source or link for that information?

Hi bent6543, I’m a member of the WAAA (group that manages the park), we’ll be posting the official notice to Facebook later today.


Looks like we are gonna be in this for a long haul. Practice your manuals and bike control around your subdivision for now until we get clearer guidelines (or changes to existing guidelines) on trail usage.

Fortunately, looks like the vast majority of cases are due to rather prolonged exposure (15-30 mins) to infected individuals and the majority of infections are “almost exclusively from your hands to your face” ( - Keep them hands clean and don’t be afraid to safely interact with your neighbours.

With this being said, and as we learn more and flatten the curve, I hope we can formulate some new trail usage guidelines to keep us all sane this summer!


Maybe time to look at road bicycling for those that haven’t already.


My 27.5x2.8” minions have been shredding a lot of rural sidewalk. Surely not ideal but ya know, run/brung


haha I think Covid-19 and the trail 5-0 are less dangerous than the cars out there.


Been riding the roads for 30 years. Still alive.

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I was told by HRM that road biking wasn’t allowed either because you’re supposed to stay in your neighborhood. Road biking, which I’m guilty of, allows you to ride through several different neighborhoods and or communities.
I’d argue that trail riding is far less probable to spread or contract Covid then road riding.

Not starting an arguement, just sharing what I was told by the “experts” :slight_smile:

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Hmm interesting, I’ve been bike commuting to work…

For all the “office space” fans…


News to me. Can you please send me the link to to that?

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I unfortunately don’t have a link, I spoke with them on the phone via 311.
I still rode 40kms on the road 2 days ago from my door and I rode alone not in a group.

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me too, but I still feel safer in the woods.


I had a look at the government website and it says to limit your walks to your neighbourhood. Luckily for me I’m in the middle of nowhere and am lucky to see more than three cars on a good day. Usually rely on gas stations and general stores along the way to refill water bottles, though.