Thule T-screw - no longer looking

I seem to have misplaced one of my 65mm t-screws for my Thule Upride. Anyone have one kicking around that they don’t need before I order one? Bought one from Thule, so no longer looking.

I have picked these up at Rackology before. They should have what you need.

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What threads onto it, just a nut, or some sort of knob or other oddity? They look pretty close to a toilet bolt. In a pinch you might be able to pick one up at a hardware store till you can find the real thing.

Interesting idea, although I believe those only come in imperial thread (atleast is NA), and I needed metric threads.

I ended up picking a new one up from Thule, so all good now. Thanks for the suggestion though!

That was why I asked what it threaded into, if it was a knob or something other than just a plain nut, it wouldn’t be a good option.