If you recently trashed your Chevy Cobalt and abandoned it off of Hiking Trail Rd. I have your full bottle of Finish Line Dry Lube. You managed to removed the plate and the VIN tag on the dash, but there’s more than one VIN on that car. You should probably go back with a wrecker and remove your junk before the RCMP does.
Someone abandoned old housing junk at the Wrandees trailhead once, because it was all prefab post war construction it had the address stamped on it in various places. It was cleaned up pretty quickly…
You could probably trade it for something on Kijiji.
I have it on airbnb. 250$/Night.
I always thought Cobalts come from the dealer with that trashy feeling.
Could be stolen. Or could be that’s what the owner will tell the RCMP.
Years ago I used to ride the Pennant Point trail at Crystal Crescent Beach. Ran across a stripped Lexus SUV in the woods. No rust on it, so it looked like a pretty new vehicle, but pretty much everything was removed from it, including the engine.
We used to find those at the old entrance to Fight trail as well. Usually stripped and burned out.
The dump for which Dump Run is named.
I’ve called the RCMP non-emergency line half a dozen times since I found the car, but the voicemail tells me to call back during office hours. I guess that car is gonna sit for awhile.