Truing stand

Hey peeps, anyone truing their own wheels?
Looking for suggestions on a truing stand. Ideally something that can handle both quick release and thru axle, as well sat to be able to someday accommodate fat bike rims.
I’ve used and liked the park TS-2 in the past but the price is a bit ridiculous. Anyone tried the park ts-8?
Colour coordination with my parktool/mastercraft based workshop would be a bonus:)

I have a stand and true my wheels occasionally. I still trust the pros at the LBS to do a better job than me, but I can get the major wobbles out.

It’s not exactly the same, but mine looks similar to the Velomann model available at MEC:

Not sure if I got mine from MEC or the LBS. Mine works OK and is very portable, and folds nicely for storage. When adjusted to hold a wheel, mine doesn’t stand on its own. Mine also has a radial gauge, which is nice, but gets in the way if the tire is on the wheel. I usually have to take the tire off to true the wheel properly.

I have a TS-7. It is similar to the ts8.

Cheap, does its job but it is not anywhere in the same league as the ts2 and others like it.

For someone who does the occasional wheel, it would be fine. If you run light stuff, or are hard on wheels, it will get tedious and frustrating pretty fast and you will wish you went for the better stand.

The “blue” version of the ts2.2 is a little cheaper as well.

Edit, this looks interesting:

I’ve built all my own wheels and many others in the last 20 years on a TS-2 they are by far the best tool for the job. That being said I built my most recent set with thru-axles on a TS-7 no problem without an adapter. Having a dishing tool is a bonus but you can get away without one.

I think for occasional use the TS-7 or 8 is more than adequate if you know what you’re doing. I don’t know for sure but they should be able to handle fat bike wheels without the tire.

I have this:, but I didn’t buy it at MEC. Despite the single arm, it’s remarkably stable and it folds up for storage. I expect it would handle fat bike wheels without any trouble, but I can’t confirm that.

I have this one from MEC. I’ve used it for road and 26" MTB wheels, but haven’t tried with thru-axles yet; I’m guessing they won’t fit well. I may need an upgrade! :wink:

Cool thanks for all the suggestions guys!

Pulled the trigger on the park ts-8. Trued up my first wheel (at least laterally). Went pretty smoothly,although I think the whiskey helped as well!