March 1, 2017, 3:50pm
~~~ VSC Weekly Ride - Saturday Mar 4th ~~~
Where: ~Gorge/P2 etc ~
When: ~Saturday, Mar 4th, 1:30pm ~
Difficulty: ~~~ Beginner/Intermediate~~~
We should have stellar conditions this Saturday for a ride. With the rain and then the drop in temperature it should great.
I am going to check on conditions on a few areas and post up the actual location later in the week. I have some solid ideas for locations.
Notes: Dress warmly.
Going, see you there!
Wish I could, maybe next time.
Maybe, I’ll let you know.
This is not an official ECMTB ride.
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March 1, 2017, 4:42pm
I need to check to see how icy it would be. If we get the rain, and it freezes it could be a skating rink.
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I’m hoping for clear, frozen ground and being able to get my skinny bike back out onto the trails; fingers crossed!
Man I want to go but I don’t know if I can find someone to watch my son
Sorry to hear that brother, i have to cancel too I got some recertification going on at work.
Maybe we could ask @riderx if VSC can offer child care services for dads who wants to ride out🤣.eh?!
March 2, 2017, 2:43pm
Yeah, that’s not on our service menu. LOL.
I will reconsider the location for this week until you guys are available. Plenty of other places to play!
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Time is the hard part for me Larissa is doing first aid from 8-4 both days this weekend
Mike, noooooooo! Forget those guys, we didn’t need them anyway! We should still be doing a scouting trip to the trails!
(No offense @Chris_Dwyer-perkins and @shadowfox70 )
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lol. I’m itching to get out on the bike. Been sick working from home all week
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March 2, 2017, 3:46pm
I will have to wait to see conditions first of course, but heck I’m easily convinced of riding out that way.
And besides someone keeps talking about beverages and never brings any…@shadowfox70
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So what’s wrong with riding from the shop and doing bird sanctuary with great food and beverages at the kings arms says I
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And you wonder why more women don’t come out to ride?
In other news, I’m cautiously optimistic about trail conditions, and that I’ll get to pull out the skinny tires for a ride. Looking forward to hearing the trail reports, and excited about the potential to ride new-to-me trails.
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Sounds like a blast! I don’t need childcare and my girlfriend is going ice climbing so I think I’m in!
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So, @riderx : any decision on where the ride will take place? Keen to know if unstudded skinnies can will be good, or if studs/fat tires recommended. Inquiring minds want to know!
I take it back. I’m out. Cold as balls tomorrow. Ice climbing instead.
March 4, 2017, 1:25am
Going to go from the shop and hit up Gorge etc. It will be a sheet of ice out at Cape Split.
Same time though…
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Have to ride Cape Split another time. I’ll be there, hopefully early this time.
@riderx save the split for me. il bring some b**rs for you!