Wanted: old tubes

Have an old tube that you’ve been meaning to throw away but haven’t yet? If it has a PRESTA valve with removable core, I’ll take it off your hands. Doing some tubeless conversions and can use the extra valves. Cheers!

(Edit: clarify PRESTA valves.)

Schrader valves? I’ve got tons

Schrader? What is this, 1990? Sure, fax 'em over! :laughing:

Presta, please and thank you. :slight_smile:


I have a presta. I’ll try to remember to bring it tonight.

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I was just about to offer to supply Dunlop valves. Thanks for clarifying.

Presta, or something small enough to fit in a presta rim-valve hole. :wink: Thanks anyway Adam.

Didn’t see this post before the ride last night. Guess I could have offered up the tube from my flat. Hope you got something.

I got one from Derek, but it doesn’t have a removable core. So, I’ll take more!

Using them for tubeless conversions, so the removable core is kinda key. Will take as many as I can get. :sunglasses: