We need your help - MEC Dirt Search Contest

Hello fello trout!

The Annapolis Valley Mountain Bike Association has been selected to participant in a grant contest put on by Mountain Equipment Co-op. Their “Dirt Search Contest” will award two bike associations,one in Western Canada and one in the East with a $10,000 grant for the trail project of their choice!

I’m pretty stoked that the AVMBA is in the finalists, we will have a 1 in 12 shot at winning the grant! Pretty good odds! But… we need your help. This will be an online vote so the more you vote the better our chances. The group with the most votes wins. You’ll be able to vote every day for 5 weeks. Contest goes live next week.

The trail project we’ve chosen is to build a new school “flow trail” filled up with berms, rollers, table top jumps, and other fun features. It’s going to be awesome and assessable for riders of all ages. New riders will be able to roll down the trail with a smile on their face and experienced rippers will be finding tons of ways to get some air time! Basically a mini resort style trail. :slight_smile:

More details and link to the contest coming soon! Check back often!!

Contest is now live, we’re the only club in NS in the finals. Vote AVMBA please! you can vote every day the contest is on.

Link: apps.facebook.com/dirteast/page … fae435f84b

folks we could actually win this thing. right now it is looking like a two pony race with the valley is in second place and only 6 votes behind at this point. no one deserves it more than ryan and michelle, just think what they could build for us. better yet think about carving it up your bike once it’s built. so let’s all get together and make this happen.


Lets keep the votes rolling. Feel free to spam the world. You can use the attached poster if you like. :slight_smile:

Vote often…This would be huge for our community!

Voted! The problem is that since I’m a recent transplant from Onterrible, most of my facebook friends would be liable to vote for one of the many competing entrants from there.

Keep up the great work folks! I think we have a real shot at this!

Vote often!

Have been voting every day… maybe I missed it but I don’t see any running total of the votes?

Theres no way for us to tell how many votes we have but if Facebook likes are anything to go on, we’re doing great! Keep up the good work folks!

article on the project is up on that other bike site today to:
pinkbike.com/news/MEC-Dirt-S … -2014.html

Voted. Sounds like a great project. Go AVMBA!


More votes = more trails!

Stumbled onto a couple of ways to vote more than once per day:

  1. Vote from different devices i.e. laptop, phone, etc.
  2. Or vote from different browsers on the same device i.e. internet explorer, chrome, firefox, etc.

Just sayin’

I’ve been able to vote constantly. From what I’m told MEC knows people are doing this and will be removing the extra votes at the end of the contest that came form the same IP address with in 24 hours.

….however, keep the extra votes going! They help keep the contest visible and remember to share your votes, visibility really helps drive the voting. Keep up the great work every one!!

Last day to vote. Get them in!!

so when do we get the results? looked like it was a real close race tween greater t.o. and the valley. it will be interesting to see the final numbers.

I think we’ll know early next week. Even if we don’t win I think we put up a fantastic effort against some tough competition.