Winter Biking

Don’t let the cold temps and snow (yes it will eventually snow) slow you down. Some of the best trails around just get faster and smoother in the winter. And a frozen lake can take you places you’ve never been before.

Here’s a beginner’s guide to winter biking.


Some thoughts

  • build/buy some good ice tires.
  • ride on packed trails when frozen
  • if trail is too soft / fluffy go snowshoeing… when it freezes it becomes awesome.
  • ride where others are riding… a couple well groomed trails are better than 10 ungroomed ones
  • ditch the plastic tire levers
  • ride when it is -4 or lower
  • keep a eye on conditions and be ready to ride

Yea, look at the Strava times for Replicator Loop at Spider and what time of year they were done in.

Interesting metric in how much trail roughness affects speed. The trail is the same with respect to elevation but smoother in the winter.

Many fatbikers in your neck of the woods? Two years ago there were 4 here in NL. Last year jumped to about 20 and this year has exploded . . . they are all over the place.

Fatbikes seem to be gaining traction in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia seems to be behind @Fatman is leading the charge though.