International Women’s Mountain Biking Day is a celebrated annually on the first Saturday in May. This year, Women’s MTB Day is on Saturday, May 1st, 2021. It’s a day for riders who identify as women to gather, experience, and share their stoke for mountain biking !
An ECMTB hat will be given to the woman who posts a picture celebrating International Women’s Mountain Biking Day with most likes over a week starting on the day and ending the following Saturday.
To enter post the picture on the forum with #WomensMTBDay and #ride-like-a-girl tags to help us sort them.
The picture can be taken any time. We should celebrate the women enjoying the sport we all love.
We will tally up the votes the Monday following the event week and award the hat. In the event of a tie a name will be drawn.
This is how a female mountainbiker rides on a wet day like today on the East Coast.
#womensMTBdayRide Like A Girl#LivComitted#livbeyond#howweliv#livyouradventure#womenwhoride#sheadventures#outdoorwomen#ridelikeagirl#GiantHalifax#bicyclenovascotia#justask
Yay, thanks, that is awesome!! Because I am lucky enough to already have an ECMTB hat (2 if you count @Stormshadow’s), maybe you can award it to another rider?