2010 Womens Beginner Mountain Bike Rides

Not a problem, just wondering. I look forward to seeing them when they do get posted.

I’m going to pass this week, girls… have fun!

I’m going to have to pass also. I did a 44 km road ride Monday night and went on the group ride last night which was very hilly. I’ve only had maybe three hours of sleep last night, or should I say this morning, so I need the rest tonight. Will miss y’all but look forward to seeing you next week. Have an good ride.

Well it was just Stacey and I tonight on the ride. We rode Spider Lake and Stacey showed me some trails I hadn’t been on before. We finished off the ride by coming out the Ribbon. I was moving pretty good through there. I’d have to say I did pretty good on most of the singletrack. I struggled a bit on the new singletrack that winds through the clearcut but I’m sure I’ll get better on that trail the more I ride it. The flies were minimal and the temperatures comfortable, and of course, Stacey rocks as a leader.

Hi Everyone, tonight’s ride is cancelled due to the rain. We’ll pick it up again next week! Have a good rest day! :smiley:

No problem. Thanks for the notice.

Had a good ride with Stacey last night. We did a couple of loops at Second Lake trail. We both needed a ride but nothing too strenuous, although the hills provided just the right amount of variety in the terrain. Talking and biking, biking and talking … good times!

Stacey and I rode the Powder Mill Lake trail last night. I thought I might regret suggesting that because of the climbs but I was pleased and feel we both had a good ride. The “swamps” or mud holes were drier than we’d ever seen them, even with the rain of the previous day. I picked up a fair sized “tree” in my rear cassette and chain but managed to extricate it and on we went. I have to say I love going down the hills as we are coming out of the trail. I’m going fast downhill, riding over rocks, and just having a good ole time. Thanks Stacey for another great ride!

I’m wondering if anyone knows where the ride is going to be on Tuesday and approximate length. I’m thinking about coming up from the valley but want to make sure its worth it for me.

Opps, I guess I mean Wednesday night, not Tuesday!

Hey! I’m new to the city and brought my Mountain Bike because I heard Halifax has an awesome Women beguinner ride. I’d love to tag along this week. Would it be possible for me to carpool with someone? I can meet up at said bike store. I’m a newbie but I’ve put on some serious hours on the bike.

Hi Bikes, welcome to Halifax and to PedalTrout!

I don’t know if the women who do the Sportwheels ride drive from Halifax or if a lot of them are already in the Beaverbank/Sackville area. If you don’t have luck finding a ride, a lot of our buses have bike carriers on the front now, so you could hop a bus to Sackville if you’re stuck. I hope you get out for a ride with them - I don’t know everyone who does the rides but the women I do know are very nice, lots of fun and I’m sure you’ll have a great time with them.

Hi Sarah, I missed your post somehow. Sorry about that! We’re riding again on Wednesday if you’d like to join us. We’ll be riding at McDonald Sportspark for about an hour.

Bikes - welcome! We’re glad you’d like to join us! We can definitely get you a ride to the trail head from the shop. No worries about that. So, come on out. And don’t worry about being a newbie. You’ll do just great!

Everyone - with the humidity in the last couple of days and the skyscraping temps, remember to bring lots of water. Don’t want to get dehydrated out on them thar trails!

See you Wednesday!

Bikes, I could probably give you a lift tomorrow night for the women’s ride. I live in Clayton Park. I’ll send you a message with my information.

Hi Gals!
It’s gonna be a hot one for sure today. So, please make sure you bring lots of water. We will take it easy on account of the heat as well. Looking forward to an awesome ride tonight!

Two good rides at MacDonald Park this week. It was a good ride with Stacey, Bikes (Michelle), and me. Stacey and Michelle came down the “Hill of Destiny”. Way to go ladies! Michelle is new to HRM so hopefully we’ll see more of her on rides. She was at Gore with boyfriend/competitor Josh Lambke(sp?), so some of you folks may know or heard of Josh. Michelle would be available to participate in the Tuesday rides but has a challenge in getting to the rides because of lack of transportation. Perhaps someone can help her out.

I won’t be available to ride next Wednesday so I want to take this opportunity to thank Miss Stacey for her enthusiasm, patience, and guidance as leader of the Sportswheels Women’s Beginner Ride. She is an incredible ambassador of biking and is so encouraging, and humourous. You Rock!! Stacey, you and Matt have a blast in Vermont on the Kingdom Trails and we expect to see lots of pictures and hear the stories upon your return.

Alrighty ladies! This Wednesday (September 8th) is the last Girls ride for the season. So, come on out!
We’ll be leaving at 6:30 sharp as we’re quickly losing daylight these days.

Hope to see you all out!

Janet and Michelle - you will be missed, but Janet, have fun at your other engagement and Michelle, good luck in your first week of classes! Welcome to Nova Scotia!

See you gals Wednesday!

Due to the weather and impending thunder showers, I have been advised to cancel the ride. Better to be safe! So, unfortunately, there will be no ride tonight. This, sadly, brings the Girls’ rides to an end, for the season. Watch out for impromptu women’s rides during the fall/winter, though. And definitely tune in next season for another edition of the Girls’ rides!

Thank you to everyone who came out this year. It was an absolute blast!

Happy Riding!!!


Stacey, here’s an idea, I mentioned to you previously that I had the video Women of Dirt so perhaps we could have a movie night with snacks somewhere to close out the season of Women’s rides. We would do this after you come back from your trip. Just a thought.