2013 - A pic from every ride


The location is pretty unmistakable too.

[attachment=0]Snapshot 1 (09-04-2013 12-44 AM).png[/attachment]

MacDonald Park Tuesday Weekly Ride

Whats in your pic mike?

Just because you and I can’t see the bike rider, doesn’t mean Mike can’t… :?

I’ll put a new one up later this eve. I was updating stuff wearing my sunglasses because I couldn’t find my other glasses. Thought it was just the glasses that made the pic dark…

Irishman’s Road Recreational Site, pretty much bone dry loam today.
[attachment=0]2013-04-07 14.35.48.jpg[/attachment]

[quote=“bent6543”]Irishman’s Road Recreational Site, pretty much bone dry loam today.
[attachment=0]2013-04-07 14.35.48.jpg[/attachment][/quote]

Bent, you need to hook up with Spin for a super-v ride day!

Sue and I rode Whopper today. Great day for riding. Saw lots of bikes.
[attachment=0]Screen shot 2013-04-07 at 10.34.00 PM.png[/attachment]

I saw this on the logging roads beind my house. The landscape back there has changed as they’re cutting quite a few trees. Piles are 30 ish feet high, quite the operation. Anyways, on a short path down to the river I found these remains. Found a ribcage, spine, scapula, front leg and lots of tufts of fur in about 3 piles. I hope it was tasty :slight_smile:

[attachment=0]Snapshot 1 (09-04-2013 12-52 AM).png[/attachment]

Laurie Park Happening/Race. Video to be added to the youtube channel within the week.

P2 on a damp Wednesday.

Shot from Victoria Park last Sunday…

Irishman’s Rd today still amazingly dry save a few spots, caution…[attachment=1]2013-04-12 13.49.57.jpg[/attachment]
These are some big mushrooms, that trunk is 18" across[attachment=0]2013-04-12 14.59.13.jpg[/attachment]

Is that a ladder bridge I see?

No, that is one of the spots that the sign is waring about, those signs are all over the outdoor archery course loop. butt, hee hee.

[attachment=0]Snapshot 1 (17-04-2013 11-25 PM).png[/attachment]

Whopper April 17th

[quote=“riderx”][attachment=0]Snapshot 1 (17-04-2013 11-25 PM).png[/attachment]

Whopper April 17th[/quote]

I was in there from 5 till about 6:30 that day. must have just missed you

Irishman’s Road Friday in the warm weather. A perfect day except for 2 flats.
[attachment=0]2013-04-19 irishmans.JPG[/attachment]

Thanks for showing me the trails, Brent. Great ride with you and Turple. Thanks for posting a pic with my bike rubber side down! :slight_smile:

Hrrrm, make that 3 flats, gotta get a rake in there and clear the hawthorne off the trail. Thanks for the tube Adam I’m putting a patch on it now :frowning: