2016/17 Winter Trail Conditions

Anybody been in Spider in the past 12 hours?

ATV trail is a river, half of Replicator is underwater. Ribbon is still pretty icy. Other than that, just a bit damp and muddy. The rest is mostly damp and a bit muddy, but I cleared away a bunch of the deadfall. Wish I knew the trail names better to help, Trailforks doesnā€™t look 100% accurate to me based on what Iā€™ve ridden and signs Iā€™ve seen.

Also: thereā€™s a huge puddle on the ATV trail that weā€™ve been cutting across where itā€™s a short crossing. That area felt pretty deep today, was thinking it may be worthwhile to build a rock or wood bridge over it to prevent it getting worse. Worthwhile to have some extra socks in the car. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update, Ian. Sounds like weā€™ll hit Fight instead.

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Anyone been to Irishmans Rd lately? Looking at riding there tomorrow morning.

Heard second hand that it was variable, mostly clear with some snow and ice and some wet spots. That was from a few days ago so Iā€™d imagine itā€™s mostly clear by now. As long as itā€™s frozen it should be good.

Thanks @bent6543. Freezing temps tonight should make it nice and crispy for us.

Irishmans Rd is in mint condition. Hero dirt aplenty. A few icy patches but theyā€™re easy to spot.

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Wrandees was sweet today. Only a few very small icy spots and very few small soft spots. Mostly rocks and roots of course!

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Hopefully tomorrow night at Flipside is nice n crisp too.

Spider is in great shape. Still very icy on parts of Ribbon, but Inner Peace is clear (a bit wet in spots), and a little easily avoided ice on Humps/Six Pack and Replicator.

Across the highway, there is a big tree down across the entire path. I donā€™t know the trail name, but itā€™s the one with the ā€œdipsā€ or trenches that are often warned about on the group rides. Itā€™s on a downhill stretch after the first dip. We tried to move it, but failed. Picture is looking up the trail after weā€™d bypassed it; would suck to come upon that suddenly in the dark!

@IanM_MTB that spot doesnā€™t have trail names but is generally referred to as Silversides. Thanks for the heads up, I might get up that way soon, Iā€™ll pack my pocket chainsaw.

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Do you have a pocket wood-chipper, too? Was thinking that would be an excellent filler for some of the boggy parts of the trails and put the dead trees knocked down by the wind to some good use. :laughing:

Report from Nige in another forumā€¦

Whopper Trail Conditions:
Da Minion: frozen hero dirt with a few very small ice patches

Fire Road Bypass: Frozen dirt and about 20-25% ice covered. Ridable without studs, but slowly.

Fire road: as youā€™d expect, lots of ice and dirt. On my way out ice was starting to melt

Flipside (Short): Frozen dirt, very liitle ice except for just before
the two bridges at the end there is a small section that is ice

Power Line: Running water, Ice, Mud, Frozen dirt. Rideable.

Suzie Lake loop: Icy sections on North facing slopes, Rest is frozen dirt.

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The weather outside today is going to kill the trails for a bit. If it stop soon and gets cold there will be ice EVERYWHERE.

Looks like we are getting snow on Friday too. That will likely help the rideability of everything though


Yea. I would highly recommen staying off the trails until the snow is down and things harden up. Hopefully dirt bikes donā€™t rip stuff up in the whooper trail systems before it can harden :frowning:

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I would highly recommend staying inside until the rain stops.


Dig out your snow shoes! Letā€™s get Wrandees packed down!


Oh yeah, baby!

Organized snowshoe outings?

I will post any trail packing sessions but itā€™s tough for me to get out with an infant at home so donā€™t wait for me. JeffV knows the route!