Railyard (Victoria Park, Truro) is solidly frozen. Quite patchy with some longish sections of ice and of dirt, depending on the trail. Studs required
It would be nice if they got that bridge in before summer
How are the valley trails, any snow/ice?
Bird Sanctuary last night. Lots of ice underneath. We had another 3-5 cm of snow overnight.
Giddy UP

Gore has just a skiff of snow in open spots but none where there is a thicker canopy. Almost no ice.
Did Whopper to Evil and back via Susie, Quarry, and Fox lakes. Only possible when the conditions are right. Lakes are well frozen, trails are in great shape. Get after it!
Anyone out in Whopper this weekend?
NoraWarren is in pretty good shape today
Rails-Trails is well packed by ATVs which is better than nothing
Shubie is plowed in the usual places and packed by walkers on the other main trails. Someone snowshoed the secret trails and they were packed by fatbikes. I rode them on my 3” tires. I also rode almost halfway along Lake Charles but it got too loose eventually.
Railyard is decent, a bit soft. Not all of the standard trails are groomed, but there’s enough there to make a good day of it. Definitely going to work better on a fatty.
The higher temperatures have turned everything into slush. If you can find fresh snow it should be fine but anything else will be very greasy
Shubie was running great last night. Main trails are plowed and the singletrack is well packed.
Some icy patches but you could probably get around them if you had to.
Anyone have a recent rail-yard report?
Wondering if its gtg for plus sized tires.
Bowater is a slush fest. I snowshoed a couple of trails, but it got too soft to continue. Hopefully I got ahead of the post holing and it freezes up good tonight.
Has anybody been up to bowater today? If so how are the conditions?
Edit. Took the dog for a walk. The snowshoe trail set up nicely.
Nine Mile was packed snow on Saturday with occasional icy patches. Very nice conditions, although we weren’t riding. We snowshoed the woods road, and it was well snowed over and frozen between the first and second intersections with the main trail. A hiker reported breaking through ice to water along the woods road, but we didn’t see that on our section - guessing that was on the section further than we walked - between the second main trail intersection and Comeau Lake. Karstaway looked like it had little traffic - a few footprints - not packed in at all. With the snow coming today, everything will be covered again. Nine Mile seems to get a lot of foot traffic these days, so it may only be a couple of days before it’s packed in again.
What are the conditions like at the farm?
Not sure if anyones been snowshoeing to pack down the trails. All it would take is a few passes in the right conditions and some general riding to get it up and running.