Hi Lucas!
Minto is boring and the trails are always overgrown #changemymind
Thanks for this thoughtful, insightful, and above all, helpful contribution.
MVP has a variety of trails with some flowy goodness, chunky technical, and jumpy feature-rich trails. I loved it!
Minto has the same hard-pack trail over and over with the only differences between trail ratings seeming to be the elevation. Pretty? No doubt! I found almost no challenge on the highly-rated Serenity Now / Insanity Later combo or other trails we tried. I enjoyed a few of the black diamond trails, but those alone wouldn’t be worth the trip for me.
MVP is the real MVP.
I rode Colebrooke this week and really enjoyed it. The trails are wide with a good mix of up, down, and flat (and flowy) with a few features dropped in here and there. I met some members/riders of the Colebrooke trail assoc. on the trails and they said there are plans for another 10km to be added, and more features.
There’s also the Grand Falls Brewery that just opened in town
Agreed 2 years ago it was a few trails called trail 1 trail 2 etc. Now it’s pretty good. Just watch out for the accidental border crossings on Frontier. (I can’t legally tell you how I know that ;))
Coming soon to that area(New Denmark), likely within 2 to 3 years will be some enduro stuff on my parents hobby farm as they and I develop it more. Right now they have apples, grapes, bees, and beef. But planning on adding a u pick, cider, pumpkins and thanks to me explaining how cool it would be, enduro trails. It’s kinda our vision for their retirement living plus a few e bikes!
470 meters of elevation to use with about 2.5 km of Down to the end of the climb road. They are cutting my marks and We will pitch in and build berms and features!
I guess it’s no surprise that we are all going to feel different about the trails we ride but every once in awhile that fact gets driven home.
For me as I grow older and slowly wind down on what I am able to ride I have come to crave faster smoother more flowing trails that are longer and allow you to stretch out the ride before having to stop
Nothing drives me more crazy then having to constantly stop and try and figure out where to go on poorly marked or un marked trails. Also the surrounding terrain has become more engrossing. I have seen enough trees to last a lifetime at this point. I want to see something different and unique.
I don’t like to leave the ground, if bikes were meant to fly they would have wings
and I don’t like to ride the knarl of truly techy trails. Again did that enough all ready. Got nothing left to prove and want to wake up the next day smiling not sore.
For me minto is minty and I keep coming back for more
Hit up some Sussex Bluff action this evening after banging off some afternoon Poley laps. Post ride thirst quenching compliments of Sussex Ale Works.
A little Keppoch action and some trail work with a pit stop at The Nook/Salty Dog Brewing
NS you never disappoint. Keppoch sans shuttle and nook & cranny for some post ride drinks. ecmtb_roadtrip
Sentiers Madawaska
Rockwood Park
Sussex Bluff
Checked out Irishman’s Road today ecmtb_roadtrip
Finally made it to Keji - list of #ecmtb_roadtrip locations remaining is small… just Fitz and Gorge left!
Irish Man’s Rd with my wife.
(She is very much a rail trails gal so kudos to her!)
Strava: 8.1 km Mountain Bike Ride on August 29, 2021 by Jeff V on Strava
#shoutout to A&W for post ride burger.
Big #shoutout to @TrailFlow and West Hants for the awesome trail system.
Fun rip at Keji. Shout out to PumpHouse Crafty Radler for the post ride refreshments.
And the Vagabond bonus (Cardigan 517km away).
Banging’ out a Sat/Sun that included the 100k Fundy Gravel Fondo, Sun AM Fundy National Park action and Sunday PM action at Whiterock. Prob more food and bevies to bother mentioning them all
Great to run into you!
Finally up the Railyard! Nice to see all the new features that have been build! ecmtb_roadtrip
Hmmm… I have you down for Railyard already for jul 19th.
ecmtb_roadtrip #Frenchfort cove … More fun than I remembered and lots of new features!
Shoutout to Jan’s Pizza
Shoutout to the crew that got the trail ready for the 4 hours of French fort cove …sad that it’s cancelled.
Check out my activity on Strava: 14.3 km Mountain Bike Ride on August 29, 2021 by Sizzlerbbq.com C on Strava