Continuing the discussion from Post your bike:
Regarding heart as like button:
Continuing the discussion from Post your bike:
Regarding heart as like button:
I found RSS feeds today. Just add .rss to the end of the URL:
You can add a background to your profile page - here’s mine. Admittedly you can’t see much of it on the mobile version, but it looks good on a desktop.
all the badges you get is kinda cool too… like this so far
Yeah, the badges are neat. We can create custom ones too, for instance, I created a “Ride Organizer” that I plan to grant when ever anyone posts an open ride for others to join.
So far we have only granted one:
Down the road we should have a best profile contest, @sheldonmcq did his up too, I noticed.
A couple new features to help build the ECMTB community:
Invite friends to join ECMTB. Click on the “Invite” button (located on your profile page and at the bottom of every topic thread), enter their email address, hit send. Voila.
Share topics/discussions with folks outside of ECMTB. Click on the “Share” button, select facebook, twitter, google+ or email, hit send. Done.
Both of those have badges too.
In case you missed it, the little number in a bubble above links is a click count:
A useful feature you may have missed…
You can reply in 3 ways:
1) Reply to topic:
2) Reply to someone’s post:
3) Reply as a new topic:
Replying as a new topic is useful if you want to split the discussion. For instance, if in a “Picture of Bikes” topic you wanted to split off a discussion topic on: “How do you like the Fox Talas fork?”.
On the forked topic you can also navigate back to the original thread:
I just noticed when I uploaded an avatar image it was converted to .png Any chance you guys can change it so it stays as the uploaded format? It was an animated .gif that I uploaded.
Polls and public polls:
Select the cog (Options) on the tools bar and select “Build a Poll”.
0 voters
A post was split to a new topic: Poll: Trail Dificulty