Last Minute Rides....Who's In?

Was at Empire Trails (Gore) on the weekend and conditions were pretty damn sweet! Plus, lots of shade…


Park is dry have fun!


Anyone want to hit up Spider at 6?

Was planning to ride Spider a bit earlier. I will let you know my timing.

I’m hitting McFight around 6:30 tonight

On my way to Spider for 6!

Tomorrow morning at fight for 9. I know its a weekday, but want to get a ride in before camping this weekend

Whopper/Lake loop/flip side at 9 am if anyone is up for a ride before the heat.

How’s whopper today after the rain?

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Pretty good, no puddles. Muddy areas are still tight. Roots where slick but overall great conditions.

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Riding Fight trail around 12:45 today.

Heading to PEI for a few days. Riding Brookvale probably a few times.

I’ll be there tomorrow for sure, if anyone’s in the neighbourhood give me a shout.


You can have the island after I’m done with it, lol.


Heading to fight in the morning. Probably around 10am

Heading to Nine Mile for an evening ride at 8:00pm.

Headed to Spider Lake for 4pm if anyone is interested. :slight_smile:

Looking for a guide for Vic Park or Valley trails. Any takers?

Can help out this evening. Sunday.


If my legs weren’t crippled I’d do Vic Park but I think I’m taking a mandatory rest day

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Planning on hitting up McFight around 430 or so for a quick loop if anyone is around, awkward time during the week I know (damn shift work)

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