2016/17 Winter Trail Conditions

I can confirm the trail from Mic Mac Mall to the main section of the park is now plowed and rideable. It’s anyone guess how rideable the unplowed sections are but I would hazard a guess to say they are not very good yet

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Was in there again this afternoon, I’d say most of the unplowed sections have had some foot traffic and would be fine for fat bikes and only the sections with the heaviest foot traffic would be good for non-fat.


I will give it all a go tonight. No fat bike for me though. 27.5 x 2.35. Tubeless with 20lbs of pressure in each tire. So we will see. I pride myself on slogging through just about anything


Got a report that Spider was snowshoed on the weekend, but probably won’t be good to ride until the weekend.

Please anyone who goes there fat tire or not if you’re leaving ruts or sinking in it’s too soft and you shouldn’t continue to ride. Don’t ruin people’s hard work and fun before its ready. If you do leave ruts by accident patch them up with some snow!


We did tried biking from prking lot goin to wooden stairs under the bridge only at lane 24 no luck didnt even try going near it.
Then we decided to head and done shubie instead yesterday.

Couldn’t imagine someone could do biking in spider yesterday they couldn’t have gone that far and realized its not worth it.

Anyways lots of foot traffic today tried couple of meters fatbiking ended up putting bike back on car and hike going to the lake #fightrail


It’s exactly this reason @shadowfox70 and I only went 0.2Km into the Waverley entrance at Shubie yesterday on the fats. If it’s not ready to ride without poking thought, turn around. :slight_smile:


@shadowfox70 and @Chris_Dwyer-perkins I’m glad you made the decision to turn around, sounds like a slog.

On the up side xc ski conditions are awesome right now. Crisp fluffy snow is so nice. I hear MacDonald Sportspark and Brunello Estates are groomed for classic and skate skiing now.


I parked at Mic Mac Mall and rode down into the park. The main trails are all plowed and can be ridden by anyone on anything. Some of the trails that were not plowed and receive heavy foot traffic were able to be ridden without too much trouble. You had to stay in the groove and be committed to pedaling. I rode one side of the canal in both directions. I made no ruts. All in all a pretty good ride. I would prefer to be at Fight Trail but for January in 30cm of snow it was a pretty good pedal


Just rode Wrandees. Pipeline and Luge are ride-able on a Fatbike, not firm enough for anything else. Snow is so dry it doesn’t pack well, the next three days of warm weather will either melt it all or make it nicely packed for all to ride. https://www.strava.com/activities/827489589
Tried the other side ( sorry don’t know trail names) and it was too soft even on 4.6" tires at 7 psi.


Thanks for the update, @Nige!

Shubie is shaping up to be ice free on all the plowed trails and solid ice everywhere else. Also beware the large amount of dog crap that is emerging from the melting snow. As usual it seems that some dog walkers feel that they are exceptions and don’t need to respect common courtesy.

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Any one know what hemlock ravine is looking like?

I would assume Hemlock Ravine would be like the unplowed areas of Shubie, pure ice.

Git yer studs on, should be a great weekend for riding.

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May not even need studs…Shubie is melting off like crazy, I’d feel fine riding it without studs now there’s only patchy ice in the highest foot traffic areas, the woods that got little to no tracks is 90% bare. Maybe hero dirt for some places on the weekend.


Should be hero dirt in the valley. Was Slushy and soft last night, but we kept on the rails to trails and avoided the singletrack.

Will be riding on Saturday at 1:30 from Valley stove and Cycle.

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I will be heading to Shubie tonight. It might not be hero dirt by then as it is as mild as shit out there right now.

There will only be one stud on my bike so i am hoping all will be good. People think I am crazy when I tell them I can’t wait for it to be -20.


Yeah it’s down right mushy in there right now. It’s supposed to drop in temp quickly this afternoon/night but I wouldn’t expect it to be super firm until tomorrow and even better on Sunday.

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I’m going to Victoria part around 3 tomorrow and I’m expecting it to be niceeeee in there.

Riding tomorrow afternoon in the valley, should be really good down this way as well. Last night it was slushy, but with a good freeze…